Directions and parking
Address: 4101 Summit Rd SW, Pataskala, OH 43062

Use Cable Rd. to enter the East parking lot. This is the same parking lot you will use when you return for the concert and pick up. Park and walk with your student inside and straight ahead to registration. Stay with your student during check-in.

Opens at 7:45am. Remain with your student during check-in.

The concert will begin at 4:00PM in the auditorium. The cost of admission for family and friends is included in your registration fee. Please bring your friends to support the singers!

Pick up instructions will be announced from the stage at the concert.

Nice jeans (no holes, tears, or rips), and festival t-shirt (singer will receive and change into festival shirt at the time of check-in)

What to bring
1″ Black 3-ring binder
Sharpened pencil
Water bottle with a tight closing lid

Pizza will be provided for lunch and snack throughout the day. If your singer has dietary restrictions, you should plan to send a lunch and snacks.