Columbus Children’s Choir awards scholarships annually through essay competitions. These prestigious awards are given to singers who lead and excel in and outside the choir. The Dr. Sandra Mathias Legacy Award has been given to New World Singers Emilee and Sarah. Please enjoy excerpts from their winning essays.
4th year with CCC
Sophomore at Centerburg High School
The friendships and comradery that I have gained from my experience as a New World Singer has made me value the skills and abilities of those who sing with me. I have found that I do not only learn from the directors that I have worked with, but also those who are part of the choir with me. As a New World Singer there is less disrimination of age, knowledge of music, or cultural practices and beliefs because we work towards a common goal and enjoy the opportunities we are given together. We sing together, learn from each other, and enjoy every aspect of working together to create wonderful pieces of music. My school community and communities around the world would benefit from working and learning in such an environment because of the sense of unification those in New World Singers experience together. If people could listen and gain knowledge from others in the same way great strides could be made in political, environmental, and humanitarian efforts, and becoming an active global citizen would be much more effective.
4th year with CCC
Junior at St. Francis DeSales
The New World Singers has also impacted me on my ability to work in groups and in my community. I have learned the importance of helping others get to where they need to be and where they want to be. CCC has allowed me to be more open to different opportunities and challenges that may come my way. I have gone from the shy kid who crawled under tables and pleaded with my Mom to “not perform” the violin to a singer who enjoys cantoring , singing for weddings, playing lead roles in my high school musicals and performing with the New World Singers and Una Voce. Without the help of Jeanne and the members of the New World Singers, I doubt I would be where I am today musically, and as a person. With the experience I have had with the New World Singers, I have found myself being more confident in my abilities and myself.
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