Cancelled due to COVID-19

Thank you for your interest in Summer Singers. Please complete the online registration below and make arrangements for payment. You may make payment by check, phone (614.220.5555), or by using Paypal at the conclusion of this form. Registration is not complete until payment is received.

STOP!  You must click the above submit button before you check out with PayPal to save your registration . 

Please make your payment for Summer Singers via Paypal*, by check, or by phone (614.220.5555)

Early Bird Discount: $115 – Tuition, t-shirt, snacks ($145 after April 1, 2020) In order to offer super low registration fees, we cannot offer refunds. Consideration may be given for exceptional circumstances.
Registration deadline: May 1, 2020.

Columbus Children’s Choir
760 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH

* You do not need to have a personal Paypal account to use this link.
